
Friday, 1 June 2012

It's June!

I love June.  My birthday is in June, so from Christmas onwards I always look forward to this month, summertime and all things happy.  But before I get older, there is the small matter of Fat Quarterly Retreat to attend to; have I mentioned that at all?

But before jumping ahead, as is customary, here is a little montage of my May - linking up with Lynne, (who I am going to meet tomorrow!) and Lily's Quilts' Fresh Sewing Day.  There were preparations and Bee blocks, the Blogger's Festival of Quilts and sunshine too...

So for the next couple of days things might be pretty quiet round here; my blogging will either consist of pictures and few words, or zilch, should that practice with my mobile phone go all Pete Tong.  But I promise there will be a full run down next week.

Whatever you are up to this weekend, especially if you are celebrating the Jubilee, have a fantastic time.

See you all soon and some of you tomorrow xxx


  1. Have a great time at the FQ retreat. Looking forward to all of you lucky people blogging about it. Looks like you got so much done in May.

  2. oh what a lovely mosaic of cute work! love it! lots of pics please of the retreat if possible what can go wrong with mobile blogging???? ! Have a fantastic time! x

  3. Gorgeous mosaic!
    See you tomorrow!!! x

  4. Great mosaic, have a safe trip.

  5. What a lovely mosaic! Have a great time at the retreat...can't wait to read your blog posts!

  6. Gorgeous mosaic! Are you painting those toe nails yet? ;-)

  7. safe travels and have a fabulous time! can't wait to hear all about it!!

  8. Wow!! so much done..wish I had gotten that much done :):) Just wonderful !! Hugs

  9. Gorgeous mosaic - I don't know when you find time to sleep!! Have a fabulous weekend!

  10. Thanks for the May update...have a great time and bring back lots of photo's to show us!

  11. lots of May makes there. See you tomorrow!

  12. You had a lot of projects this last month and they were all lovely

  13. I love your May projects! So many cute items and great colors!!

  14. Busy bee...hope you have a lovely time this weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

  15. Boy you have had a busy month! Di x

  16. Wow you got a lot done last month! Hope you have a great time at the retreat =D


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