
Sunday, 24 February 2013

I heart sewing...

... except when I have to do it!

Hello fun Sunday evening!


  1. Sewn all required badges to my sons beaver jumper, now he's out grown it!!! So I'll have it all to do again. Good luck with your badges, please sew them in the correct place!! Sarah

  2. I suggest gritting your teeth and drinking a glass of wine to keep you going! Di x

  3. MIght be a good time to teach Mr Cub scout how to sew.....

  4. Ugh, hateful sewing! I say do it and then reward yourself with a fabric purchase!

  5. Oh what fun! My Mum sewed my Brownie badges on the wrong sleeve, oh the shame!

  6. Just wait until you see how many challenge and activity badges there are for Cubs! Well done to him on his Chief Scout Bronze, and I'd definitely follow Di's suggestion!

  7. Those badges are hell on earth to sew on, made of such dense stuff

  8. As a Scout leader I've sewn on more badges than I care to remember and I've hated everyone of them!

  9. I've just entered that world of sowing and oh how I hate it to. But we love our cubs:)

  10. Yes I am always amazed at how my husband believes that sewing buttons back onto his trousers or fixing a collar should somehow be regarded as my "hobby". Er, no! Could you Bondaweb the badges on? I have all this to look forward to with Brownies in the future!

  11. Bribe him into doing the Home Help Activity badge....

  12. My mum made me do mine, something to do with there being a sewing badge ;o)

  13. So with you on that one, I had to sew up a school cardigan, Uuuk!

  14. I've done all mine on the machine with an extra long stitch length for easy removal (if necessary) later on. Not fun, but better than hand-sewing. Good luck.

  15. I so agree. If something needs mending or a button sewn on it usually stays in the basket until it goes out of style or the kid has out grown it.

  16. I always went with the theory if they were old enough to earn the badges they were old enough to sew them on. At least I did after the first marathon session of pack badges and all that. Learned my lesson early.

  17. Oh dear...I remember badges :(

  18. Awful aren't they! I always ended up sewing them on at the kitchen table half an hour before we had to leave for whatever club it was for :-)

  19. Looking at the positive - look at all he badges he won! Yep, my hubby is still waiting for a hoodie to be repaired. I think he may have given up.

  20. haha I know how you feel, Antony came home with a bloomin huge rectangular sized badge to be sewn on Friday night. Hmm having prob prioritising badge sewing, bad mummy I am a bad mummy!!!

  21. Ha ha!! I don't like sewing my own on my leader shirt but strangely did Chookie's with pleasure. I think coz she'd earned them. The first lot with the group and area badges are the worst though - hope you bought a giant jumper so it lasts 2 years!!

  22. I am so with you. I am a quilter, not a tailor. At least B does all of his own mending when I give him a needle and thread. Thank goodness!

  23. My grown daughters were just commenting the other day that all of their Girl Scout badges were in a drawer somewhere and had never been sewn on their sashes. I didn't sew back then, but I told them I could do it for them now! Haha. Maybe I should for a funny Christmas gift.

  24. You lucky girl!! Bet you had a blast!!

  25. Haha! At least you had instructions! Never had that with brownies! Unless I missed the memo of course!

  26. Funny how we hate these jobs!!


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