
Monday, 11 January 2016

These are the days it never rains but it pours...

My kids' knowledge of David Bowie doesn't go much further than the introduction to The Snowman, so when I was 'making cakes' this afternoon for a sale at school tomorrow, these took on an added poignance…

The sale proceeds are helping fund this year's Young Voices O2 concert trip they are attending again in a couple of weeks; it seems only right that music and singing will be providing them with such joy, excitement and memories.

I'll be back tomorrow with some pretties to show you, today I am just taking a moment, which I am sure many of you are too xxx


  1. Worth a visit - https://www.facebook.com/StAlbansCathedralOfficial/

  2. Great find from Helen there x

  3. I'd forgotten DB was in The Snowman! A sad day. XX


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