
Monday, 3 December 2012

Giveaway Day!

*** The Giveaway is now closed - Winner to be announced shortly***

Hello hello hello and welcome as always to the regulars, irregulars and stalkers who frequent these parts, and thank you too for stopping by if you are purely here to take a look at the loot, I won't hold it against you.

It's Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day and I am ready!

After a shocking failure to get finished yesterday, I came in from work this afternoon, stitched a bit, did the school run, then stitched a bit more.  Took some slightly dodgy photos, fed the family and here I am.  If this is your first time here, that pretty much sums up most of my days.

So what do I have on offer for you this time... one of Jeni, In Color Order's drawstring bags, the first I have actually completed, 5 more are all cut and ready to go for Christmas, and I don't think I will be stopping after those; it's a brilliant pattern.

And what do you need to go inside a cute bag?  Well hexies, that's what!  I have cut 100+ 1" hexie papers to get you started, and just because I want to spread the hexie love to one and all, I've cut a rainbow of 100 scrappy 1.25" hexies, so you can make yourself something fun straight away with no time-consuming chopping required.  I did use my Sizzix in case you are wondering, I am not kind enough to have cut them all by hand!

So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning this bag o' fun?

Two chances, with one separate comment for each... any additional comments will be deleted, and if you answer both in one comment, you'll only get one chance...

1. Tell me what you would pop in the bag after you have stitched up all those hexies; and
2. Followers get a second chance, just leave a comment saying that you are; you can even start following right now if you feel so inclined; I will then tick you off the class register!

International entrants are more than welcome; I will use Random.org to draw a winner on Friday 7th at 9pm GMT (which I think is only 1pm PST, but I will be asleep at 1am/5pm PST, sorry).

No Reply Bloggers must leave an email address in your comment(s), otherwise I will re-draw, sorry.

Good luck chaps - as with previous giveaway posts, I will not be replying to all the individual comments, but I will read everything xxx


  1. Ah you are just a bit clever - what a smart idea, ok in 30 years time after stitching those hexies I'll probably keep my false teeth in there - because by that time I will be old with no teeth!

  2. I'd put one of my cross stitch projects in that adorable bag :)

  3. lol I was going to offer hexi's, it was the easy cut them quick enough part I liked... Id fill the bag with choccies for xmas

  4. Such a great bag, I have to try that pattern, I think I already have it too. I might keep more hexie projects in it or I might use it for my knitting project, either way, an on the go project. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Of course I follow you, dodgy pictures and all (not really dodgy, by the way).

  6. Pretty!! So need one of those Sizzix thingies or I could just get you to cut for me ;)
    I would fill the bag with more hexies cut by my own very tired hands!

  7. I would put my new hexies in it and be ready to sew on! Thanks so much!

  8. Well, if were up to me, I'd keep biscuits in it but I suspect I'll not get a look in (as usual) and 'she'll' keep her hand quilting bits and bobs in it. I'm told that means thimbles, thread, needles, fabric markers and plasters but you'll know better than me what they are...

  9. I'm a follower who's not usually permitted to comment on my own behalf...

  10. I'd stash one of my current WIPs that involve tons of diamonds!

  11. I'd use it as a bag to keep my camera, charger, cords, etc. all together...I've forever misplacing bits.

  12. I'd use it to keep my nice knickers in!

  13. I'm a follower - love your blog.

  14. I would pop in some stitching projects

  15. I'd keep some red work and choccies in the scrumptious bag.

  16. The hexies would be great for my no repeat hexie quilt I have been working on. I would probably put in a knitting wip.

  17. I don`t have anything to cut hexies for me so this is awesome! I would probably put a little knitting project in the bag after (I`m on a sock knitting kick lately)

  18. Wow, what a great giveaway! I have never made anything hexie before, so this would be a new adventure. That bag is so cute. Hmmmm, what to put in it, probably my new hexie project!

  19. I am a faithful follower already.
    Thanks again for a lovely giveaway!

  20. The bag is so pretty and yay for the hexies!!! What will I pop in the bag? I think I could use it for on the road projects, it has the perfect size! Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. I follow you on Google Reader :)

  22. Why more EPP my dear!! Gorgeous and thoughtful giveaway :-)

  23. I would use it as an I'm-working-on-too-many-things-right-now project bag... I need someplace to store them before they get lost forever and never finished lol

  24. I am a follower :) tick away lol

  25. I'd put another hexie project in the bag cause I always have another project planned! There's no hexie void in my world! What a charming giveaway!

  26. I follow you--I subscribe in one of those "feeds." (isn't that something you buy for chickens?)

  27. Oh great idea you! Loving the hexie assortment. And the bag is gorgeous. I would use it to carry all the hexies, because I would need it every time I took the girls to dance, etc and then I would have something to do. You know that because you do it all the time too.

  28. I've been a follower for just about forever now. ;-)

  29. I always have EPP projects so the bag would get good use. Thanks!

  30. I'd just keep on keeping EPP gear in there. I can never have enough bags for that!

    (email motherissues - gmail dot com)

  31. Holy moly - what a lovely giveaway! I would use it to keep my hand stitching bits and bobs in - maybe that way I would stop losing so many needles.

  32. I would use the bag to keep all my kids hair bobbles and clips in - they seem to land all over my house, and drive me nuts, so please could I win?? xx

  33. I would put another sewing project in the bag!

  34. Great giveaway! I would pop a granola bar and apple in that beauty and take it to work!

  35. That bag is destined to hold all my threads! Fabulous giveaway.

  36. Hmmm... good question. I think it would be good to carry small projects with me on trips :)

  37. I would put snacks in it when we go to hockey games!! Nothing messy, of course!

  38. I think I would use it for makeup. It is super cute. I have also never done hexies so that would be interesting.

  39. Present, Miss Hadley! Oh I'd put a present in the bag too!

  40. And I'm an addicted stalker too!

  41. Honestly, I'd probably keep my paper piecing in the bag - I'm making some 'pies' with wedge shaped pieces.

  42. I am a follower and I am so excited because I love hexies! Thank you so much.

  43. I'm a follower too in my google reader! I'm so desperate to win your gorgeous bag that I've also started following you the conventional way today!

  44. I think I might carry my lunch in it. :)

  45. I will certainly use it as my hexie bag, would you believe I just keep my hexies in clear plastic bags at the moment. Thank you for this fabulous giveaway of hexies, and the bag is just lovely too.

  46. I would use your lovely bag to hold my crochet supplies. Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. love the idea of precut hexies! I'd use the bag for other quilty goodies, like my needlecase and thimble and snips.

  48. Hexies! Oh you are so brilliant! What a lovely idea. What I put in after? I just would keep the hexies and start straight away to sew them all together. Oh I wish, I could start today :)

  49. I'd honestly let my daughter use it for a snack back or use it myself for that purpose. Too cute to stay in the house!

  50. I'm also a follower. thanks for the second chance.

  51. I'm a new follower.

  52. Such a great bag and love all of those little hexies... (they are a slight obsession of mine, haha). After stitching all those hexies I would use the bag to tote around my knitting projects.

  53. Oh and I am a very happy follower :)

  54. Either another embroidery project or a knitting project.

  55. Love that bag! I would surely use it for my take along projects... the little sewing projects i take with me wherever i go in case i get the chance to sew!

  56. I would keep all my hexie templates in the bag, ready for the next EPP project, I just love it!

  57. Oh and I am a follower, have been for some time now :-)

  58. I would put even more hexies in the bag after I finished with those :)

  59. I follow your wonderful blog

  60. id use it for travel and the next EPP project of course!

  61. i think i will put more sewing stuff in it :))

  62. What a lovely giveaway, thank you! The bag would hold my latest hand sewing project and I'd be carrying it round in a 'keep it on me at all times' kind of way - if only to make sure that my daughter can never claim it ;)

  63. I should be so lucky....but if I were then it would be my EPP - my rosestars for now but obviously hexies to come!

  64. I think I've been following you since Susan told me to!

  65. I would out more EPP bits and pieces in there. Great giveaway, especially those pre cut fabric pieces!

  66. I've definitely been following you longer than for ever!

  67. I'd either house another EPP project or some knitting.

  68. I love Hexies. Thanks for the chance. I'd probably add more hexies

  69. I see people sewing with hexies but have never tried. Could be just what I need to get started. Thanks for the chance.

  70. I'd use the bag to carry my hand piecing project to sit and sew days, and sew the hexies together to make another bag.

  71. I think I'd actually use it to put extra diapers and wipes in my diaper bag! It is so adorable :) Thanks for the chance!
    mjp0419 at gmail dot com

  72. I have many perfume samples - would love to place them all in one bag!

  73. This is a generous giveaway. I will put money in the bag after I have used the hexies. Ha!

  74. Did you read my mind yesterday! I was just starting to look in to EPP after being on the fence for about a year now! What would I put in the bag...my secret stash of candy that must remain hidden from prying 3 year old eyes!

  75. I always have some EPP project going, so I would keep that in there. Thansk for teh chance to win!

  76. After I finished your hexies, I'd probably put in my hexies! Mine arent' really hexies, but they're tiny EPP pieces for a star I'm working on. Thanks for teh giveaway!

  77. I am a happy follower of your blog.

  78. How gorgeous! And, hexies!! I've been wanting to start on them, this would be the kick in the pants I need. And I think I'd keep even more hexies in there once the ones you've cut (even if not by hand ;) ) are all sewn up. Or embroidery wips. :)

  79. Also, I'm a brand new follower. :)

  80. I love to make hexies ! And I like to make borders for kitchen towels with them, and work on them in the car. So I would Continue to have hexies in there :)

  81. Well, into that beautiful bag, I'd put more hexi's of course! After I've bribed your little slaves to cut me some of course!

  82. And who knew I was a follower too!

  83. Perhaps my newest sock-knitting project!

  84. When I'm done with the fabric, I might hide some chocolate in there... just saying.

  85. I'm following.Thanks for participating in the giveaway day.

  86. How cute are you? What would I do with that cutie bag? Put chocolate in there. Most likely. But really what I want is a little travel bag for my "beauty" (ha!) bits and pieces to toss in my suitcase.

  87. You know I keep following you around. You can't get rid of me.

  88. I think I would use it as a sock knitting bag.

  89. I would keep some stitching in there - maybe more hexies!

  90. I am a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  91. I would put in the various boxless CDs and DVDs that float around my house and then get found by my children and covered in sticky fingerprints.

  92. Cool - a bag full of hexies-to-be! I now have the Hexa-gogo book so I think it is fate that maybe I should/could win ;) Maybe? Please? I'd put candy in it once the hexies were out - I mean really - what else goes in bags except candy? Love it!

  93. Oh gosh I would love to win this. I have recently taken to paper piecing and it's so addicting. Plus you have such a gorgeous assortment of rainbow fabrics!! After stitching, I'd likely use the pouch for taking lunch and other odds and ends to and from work!

    elisabeth [dot] woo @gmail.com

  94. Adorable bag! After I had sewn up the hexies, I would keep yo-yos in it...I've been wanting to make a yo-yo quilt.

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  95. I'm also a new follower (google reader), becuase your blog looks fantastic!

    elisabeth [dot] woo @gmail.com

  96. It's so fun to see what everyone wants to put in the bag. I like the one that said Chocolate!!!

  97. It's adorable! I think I'd use it for a project bag...knitting..sewing..

    And those hexies! GAH!! I want them.


  98. I'm about to follow you RIGHT NOW. :)

  99. I would probably put either a sealed bag of sand or rice in your lovely bag and use it as a doorstop. That way it is useful and I get to see it every day!

  100. I'll put a (part of a) new project in it to have some stitching on the go

  101. I also follow you in my Google reader :-)

  102. How beautiful!! I'd use the bag for the hexie's or maybe goodies for traveling.:)

  103. I think it would be a wonderful project bag. I have a TERRIBLE habit of using plastic shopping bags.... and I'd be really excited to try the hexies, I've never done paper piecing.

    erikawithak.vintage at gmail.com

  104. I will use the bag for my current knitting project.

  105. My sock knitting will go in the bag!

  106. I think this would be a perfect little bag to carry EPP projects in. I really have to get one of those die cutting machines. Thanks for the chance to win.

  107. I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

  108. Genius giveaway H! I'd fill my wee bag right up again with more EPP. Jxo

  109. I pet sit as a second job so I would put my client's keys in it and take it to and from my car. It can ride on the passenger seat.

  110. I love this cute bag. Wow! You probably won't believe this, but just Saturday I bought some Hexie templates because after Christmas I want to make a Hexie project. I have never done any before. So I would probably continue to keep hand piecing projects in this one.

  111. I am a new follower to your blog.

  112. I'd use the bag for a project bag, for whatever felt creature I'm creating at the moment. :)

  113. I'm a follower via google reader!

  114. Iwould use the bag to keep my hexies in that I am making for my union jack quilt. Thanks for the chance of winning, the bag is so cute.

  115. I'd fill that cute bag up with make up or some little sewing supplies :)

  116. I follow you in blogger follow :)

  117. I think I would use it to store my lollipop stash in my sewing room. That way no one can find them and steal them.

  118. I would fill that cute bag up again with another hand sewing project

  119. Hexies, you really know how to win my heart! I am just crazy about hexies, and once I am done with those, I would just keep filling the bag with more of them.

  120. This looks like a perfect little "go bag" something to pop all my toiletries in and put in my suitcase when I'm on a trip!

  121. Well, God only knows when the day might come that all those hexies are stitched, but by then I might be able to shrink ray myself into a teeny tiny little quilter size and jump right in there myself Hadley.

  122. Happily stalking at all times. Thanks for sharing!

  123. Oooh beautiful hexies! I love the bag, and it looks like it would be a decent size to carry a small ball of yarn and needles - and a good excuse to learn to crochet ;)

  124. My crochet gear would go perfectly in the bag after the hexies are done.

  125. My lunch woud fit nicely!!!!!!!

  126. That bag is so cute! I think I'll pop a hairbrush, some deo, and a bit of makeup and use it as a personal bag after the gym.

    My email address is kudra1978 at aol dot com.

  127. I just started following you! My email address is kudra1978 at aol dot com.

  128. I am thinking that it would make a great lunch bag! Thanks for offering it.

  129. That bag is too cute. I would use it for ballet slippers for my three year old granddaughter.

  130. Super cute bag! I would probably keep an embroidery project in there.

  131. I would probably keep some embroidery in the bag. It's adorable!

  132. Love the bag! I would use it for a sock knitting project.

  133. This bag would have to hold something super cute, somewhere everyone can see!

  134. Oh my goodness!!!! I love the Bag! But soooo excited about the Hexie's!! So want to learn how to do them...how cool is this drawing!!!? AWESOME! Well...after I made up all the Hexie's...I just might have to continue on & add more to take with me! lol If not, I know it would be great for taking crochet projects too!

    Thanks soooo much for chance to winsuch grand gifts! :)

  135. I am a new follower thru GFC,,,and also sined up for your Emails...don't want to miss anything! LOL

    Thanks for 2nd chance to win! :)

  136. Thanks for the great giveaway. If you are interested, you can enter mine.
    What would I put into this bag...lunch bag sound interesting - is it big enough? or maybe a button bag.
    Love the chance to work some hexies - something I have not done.

  137. Second chance. I'm pretty sure I am a follower.

  138. I would LOVE to win that darling bag! I am a lover of bags in general, but yours is a 10+ , a perfect example of my favorite sort. I know I would fill it with hexies-in-progress. I carry a plastic container of hexies-in-prog with me wherever I go. Basting and sewing hexies together by hand is my fav portable project!

  139. Thanks for the giveaway! The bag is adorable and I have this tutorial saved to make a few myself. I would use it for some yarn and crochet hooks. wonderlandbyalyce(at)gmail(dot)com

  140. I too have made this bag for gifts. I would put goodies for work in it. fran.daoust@yahoo.com

  141. I'd put some more EPP in there- I'm new to it and its proving quite addictive!

  142. I would fill it with candy and keep it in my diaper bag. Momma needs a happy place. :)
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  143. ongoing crochet granny squares would go in that adorable bag! love love love your giveaway=so generous!

  144. i'm a follower-and i still can't get over your generosity! thank you.

  145. Well I think it might make an awesome bag to hold my lego minifigure collection.

  146. After I have use up the hexies, I would let my son put his little toys in it or a snack or something like that.
    Adorable bag, thanks for the chance to win.

  147. My small take along crochet items would fit perfectly!

  148. I have so wanted to start a hexie quilt!

  149. What a perfect little bag! I'd love to fill it with my sewing supplies. :)

  150. I think I would use it for all the many things I need at work that I usually try to carry around and drop more often than not. Thanks for the chance to win your pretty bag

  151. I'd store stitching supplies inside. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to you! :)

  152. Oh just imagine all those hexies that I haven't had to cut! I'd use it for my sock knitting project - looks about the perfect size

  153. I'd use it for portable knitting, but I have wanted to try EPP

  154. I would hold my embroidery projects in that cute bag. Thanks for the giveaway.

  155. I would use it for projects


  156. I follow you via GFC


  157. Oh so fun! I'd put in my snacks and take it to work so everyone could ohh and ahh over it.

  158. I think I would fill it up with more hexies!! I love hand stitching!

  159. Heavens to betsy! I've yet to make hexies and winning 100 all ready to go might be the only way I'd start. I'd put my hopes an dreams inside :) Ok, I would probably put special fabric in it or maybe possibly put a present for someone else in it. But probably only after it lived at my house for months.

  160. I am following you as well. But only in digital blog form.
