
Sunday, 16 December 2012

On the Cards...

Today has been busy busy; cleaning, food shopping, ironing (so much bloody ironing) and Christmas cards.

I have thankfully got the family's cards all finally written, stamped and addressed; and between them, the kids, with a little help from Daddy, probably got 100 done too, oh the joy of the school mail box.

We, on the other hand, have a group of friends that reduce in inverse proportion to the rises in the price of stamps.  I am one of those nerds that bought a bunch of stamps before the prices went up in the Spring, but it is still an expensive business!

So tomorrow I will have the joy of queuing at the Post Office, again.  I have a horrible feeling that I will need to go again on Wednesday too, but then I can be there before the doors open, and I can move way faster the rest of the clientèle!

I haven't therefore had the chance to play with my new toy, which is a bit frustrating, but not as frustrating as the things that need making, and remain unmade!

I hope you have had a busy but constructive weekend, I only have 2 more working days, and I can't wait!!  I have to fit in a carol concert and a Yr3 Dickensian play; Friday is Christmas party day, and end of term, and at some point I need to get a turkey!

Keep smiling xxx


  1. I don't finish til Friday, but I do have tomorrow and Wednesday afternoon off. Off to do some shopping tomorrow :-(

  2. You're storming thru again :-) Fingers crossed I'll have a trip or two to the post office this week too...

  3. Good luck at the PO, I did my last trip of the season on Friday, and miraculously it wasn't filled with half the pensioners and benefits claimants from the area like it usually is, so hope you get lucky too!

  4. This next week is an endurance race against the clock so that everything can be squeezed in. I cannot wait for school to break up on Friday and best of all my husband isn't working the 24th. Yippee. Di x

  5. You'll be fine! Don't panic just yet!

  6. It will all just happen, whether you pull your hair out or not! Best not go bald just yet! Jxo

  7. Right, I need to reserve the turkey, thank you. Good for you on the cards, almost none of my friends or family bother so I give cash to the food bank as penance.

  8. Amazing how you keep plugging along and getting so much done. But, the post office does not sound fun.

  9. I'm done with the post office (in more ways than one!) you must be exhausted by Christmas!

  10. I'm with Leanne on the cards, we stopped about 10 years ago, and now send a newsletter by email (not as fab as Annabelles, but hopefully not as dire as some she receives) and pay the money to charity. This year Vivi's Venture: the 6 year niece of a teacher at school: she's had the cerebral palsy op to allow her to walk, but now comes 2 years of physio!

  11. No cards written here. Turkey ordered though. Making still happening - and though I thought I had three days left to make in peace I failed to take into account that I had to ferry one to a district carol service, the regular dance class, helping at the last primary Christmas party in this household, and another trip to Milton Keynes to meet up with my Dad. Oh heck, how on earth is it all going to happen?!!

  12. Simple to the point and very informative that enhanced my knowledge a lot,...

  13. Yes our cards reduce every year too. Glad you only have two working days left....dont know how I ever found the time to work (well I do still work a few hours but when and where is decided by me) :)

  14. Oh I don't know what your new toy is!! I bet you can't wait for the next couple of days to be over...soon will be!

  15. I wrote my cards yesterday afternoon...my least favourite task of the Christmas period!! (And the glue on the envelopes tasted disgusting - why?!!)

  16. I gave up writing Christmas cards a few years ago, I am such a Bah humbug ;-)

  17. Shame on you beating off pensioners to the head of the queue!x


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