
Sunday, 16 March 2014


Today was a good day, a warm sunny day, as (mostly) documented on Instagram, (I'm mrsflyingblind don't you know)...

Watching ET before breakfast, washing on the line, hexies on the deck and banana cake in the oven!
I have caught up with sleep, emails and even blog reading - though I have skipped the commenting because there are only so many hours in the day before Top Gear!!

So all set for another week of fun, games, work and appointments, and hopefully a lot of sewing - I have plans, deadlines and an itch to scratch xxx


  1. That seals it, I'm moving in with you!

  2. I'm watching Top Gear whilst commenting. But with you in that's comment a lot less these days. Read but quietly.

  3. Looking strangely domesticated there...

  4. Ah the perfect day! Have a great start to the new week! Jxo

  5. Throw in left over pizza for breakfast and that's my kind of domestic goddess!!!!

  6. I caught up with emails during Top Gear but it's like white noise to me.

  7. I love it when all of a sudden the weather is good enough to get washing on the line, spring has truly arrived! We were very enthusiastic about he sun yesterday and dragged the kids to Flamborough Head for a walk - queue a four mile round walk where the wind was so fierce no one could hear what the other was saying, and we had to hold onto the kids in several places to stop them being blown towards the cliff top! Still, the fish and chips afterwards were amazing!

  8. I'm so glad life is returning to normal for you! It looks like a wonderful weekend for you and your family!

    We're Top Gear folks tonight - recorded it. Clearly.


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