
Sunday, 1 July 2012

The June the doctor ordered!

It's Fresh Sewing Day, so I'm doing the linky thing as per usual!

Lily's Quilts

OK, so my start to June was not ideal, what with that shocking burn n'all, but thank goodness for the adrenalin that got me through FQ Retreat weekend - I can't believe that was a month ago already!

The rest of June was spent distracting myself from the blot on my arm, until this week, when my birthday and other great things ended the month on a high.

So here's what I got up to...

There were other projects started, and plans, swaps and terrific things to look forward to, so it looks likely that I will continue to have lots to show you for the foreseeable!


  1. Love it all - by my favourites are the Uj pillow and the framed purses x

  2. Some lovely makes here H. Di x

  3. How is your arm sweetie? Do you have a scar?
    Lovely makes as usual :-)

  4. Great projects and great fabrics! I like that green floral in your top pillow and I'm always a fan of anything using the typewriters. All those little pouches are great!

  5. Those projects are all so lovely, nice to see them together. I hope your arm has healed and I look forward to seeing what July brings.

  6. Hope your arm is fully healed now, or nearly there at least. Love your makes, especially the wee house and I can't wait to see more of your Domestic Bliss EPP :-)

  7. Look like a busy month! Love all your little bits of embroidery, you're going great guns with it. Maybe I'll have to rescind my pledge not to embroider until I have more spare time...

  8. I was just thinking about your arm this morning. How is it going?

    I love your Juney makes xxxx

  9. Overachieving as usual I see. Have missed the whole arm story so must now trawl back to see what happened.x

  10. Not a bad wee month there... How's the arm now?

  11. Lovely makes! Hope your arm is much better now :)

  12. Gorgeous mosaic, love the frame purses.

  13. great makes there for June: you have been very busy!

  14. oh I think you had a great June! Love those little bags your make - I seriously need to try one!

  15. love the framed purses!!!

  16. Great set of finishes there! Lets hope July is as productive =D

  17. Quite a variety there but all lovely! Looking forward to July!

  18. I love love thse flying geese!

  19. So glad your June ended better than it started! Jxo

  20. Such a great crop of projects! Love these!!

  21. love the union flag pillow!!!

  22. Lots of lovely makes as usual mrs! Hope that arm is all healed up now

  23. Really hoping your arm is recovered well. You have been amazingly busy all the same and I always look forward to seeing what you make next :)

  24. Oh, how I love that adorable summerville purse in the bottom corner. Whoever gets that is one lucky partner!!


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