
Monday, 16 July 2012

Give it away, give it away, give it away, give it away now...

***The Giveaway is now closed***

Guess what folks, I have been blogging for two whole years!  733 posts, over 93,500 page views and 11,000 comments - I can't quite believe it!

Some days it feels like I have been doing this for 20 years, other times those first few faltering steps seem like yesterday.

I have made such a bunch of terrific friends through these here ramblings, I wouldn't be without any of you.

I have been inspired to make, and have made to blog.  Even when my Inbox has been exploding with comments and I've had dozens of posts to catch up reading, I have blogged... everyday!

I guess that means I deserve a prize?  OK you do, for putting up with me, coming back time and again; sticking by me when I have the hump, and humouring me when I am getting too big for my boots.  Thank you one and all!

So what can I give you for your trouble?  A big internet hug and a great big fuzzy thank you?

Hows about the Fat Quarterly Shape Workshop for Quilters book, I won a copy at Retreat but had already bought it, so I saved it especially for the occasion, its really good...

...and what about a cute little frame purse; Walk In The Woods, Essex linen, gridded interfacing technique and a little bit of swearing...

...and since you are all so nice, in the main, I will probably pop in a few other bits and bobs.

Is that enough to keep you interested?  I hope so, 'cause that's what you could be getting!

I know there are loads of giveaways running right now, so if you don't want this little offering I won't be offended!

But if you want in, no humongous hoops to jump through, two chances, two comments...

1. Leave a comment telling me, for fun, which craft really should be an Olympic sport and;
2. Be a follower (new or established, all welcome) and leave a second, separate comment telling me so.

If Blogger duplicates your comments, I will delete the erroneous ones, to be fair.  I will read all your replies, but for this one I won't be replying to individual comments.

Please don't be a 'no reply' blogger, leave your email address in your comment if you are - if I have no way of contacting you, you won't win.

International entrants more than welcome and I will close the comments, and draw a winner with the assistance of Mr RNG, next Monday (23rd July) at about 8pm BST.

I think that's everything.  Good luck and thank you xxx


  1. I think knitting would make an excellent olympic sport, can you imagine the sound of all those knitting needles going as fast as they can!

  2. I am already a follower - congratulations on such a lovely blog, and wonderful prizes - the purse is just gorgeous! x

  3. Looks like I'm the first to congratulate you! Two years yay!! Here's to many more bloggy goodness to come - cheers x

  4. Congrats! How exciting! I think weaving is pretty incredible, and I've seen some super fast wavers in action! It takes a lot of hand-eye coordination.

  5. Two years that's awesome :) Well done!!! Olympic sport - I think 9-patch quilt making should be a sport!! Fastest and most accurate wins! Like the Jelly Roll race ;)

  6. i think there should be a quilting triathalon, and it should be named the triquiltathon.
    cutting - piecing - quilting

    and congrats on your blog - i love it.

  7. Congrats on a huge milestone! I enjoy reading your blog, and I appreciate you. I think quilt layering and basting (or pinning) of bedsized quilts should be a separate Olympic sport, with larger gold medals given for the best entries!

  8. and i follow you through google reader

  9. Yay I am a follower too!! Thank for you for having a giveaway and keep the posts coming !!

  10. I think that machine quilting on a home sewing machine should be an olympic sport. Depending on the size, it could include elements of wrestling, weightlifting and, of course, swearing ;-)

  11. and I am a very happy follower (as you might have noticed)

  12. thats some achievement xx... as a follower long may you continue xx

  13. Wow that book looks awesome and that purse is so cute! Knitting should be an Olympic sport! Mainly because I could try and compete. ;) Although I'm not that good. haha But I do love quilting as well, maybe there should be a hexagon quilt Olympics because they are so time consuming and impressive!

  14. And I am a follower of your blog! I love it! :)

  15. Congratulations! Lace knitting should definitely be an Olympic sport. I wonder how people find the nerves and stamina!

  16. Congratulations first of all. Right, olympic sport: how about who can make the most HSTs in 30mins?


  17. I'm a follower!


  18. Already following. And I love that little pouch. Too cute! :)

  19. I got quite quick at cross-stitching, I think that could be an Olympic event! Congratulations on your 2 year bloggiversary!

  20. frame purse making how many in an hour :))))) or four .

  21. i am a follower,thanks for the chance .

  22. Oh my goodness! Who full years? That's huge, Hadders! What I do know is that you brighten my day each and every day and I'm so glad to have you as a bloggy friend. Congrats to you.

    A crafting sport? I'd go for open seamed ironing. How quickly can you get those pesky layered fabrics flat w/o burning your fingers. Deserves a gold each time.

  23. You know I'll follow you anywhere ;)

  24. I hope I'm included in the 'in the main bit'

  25. But I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't.

  26. Congratulations on two years! I love your little purse. I haven't tried a frame purse yet! Olympic Sport........something to do with quilting. Maybe, making hexies and attaching them in the most beautiful pattern??? Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  27. Oh I'm so happy for you!:) congrats! I think knitting and crocheting should be in the olympics!

  28. I follow you via Google reader. Love your blog.

  29. I am a new follower by email:)

  30. Happy blogiversary! Love that purse - errrr for the olympic sport does the Jelly roll race count!?

  31. Congrats on two years on this here blog!

    I'd like to see EPP become an olympic sport - how fast can you cut, baste and stitch 4000 hexies? Imagine the training you'd have to do to get callouses on your fingers so they wouldn't blister in the finals!

  32. I'm a wee follower too. Lovely giveaway thank you for the opportunity!

  33. Yay blogiversary! Congrat!

    I would say knitting also, whenever I get myself to finish something I feel like I deserve a gold metal! haha

  34. Congratulations on two years blogging! I would say FMQ should be ab olympic sport. I'd suck at it, but really admire anyone who can do it well !

  35. I follow you on blog lovin :)

  36. Oh I think that the event sheep-to-shawl should be an Olympic sport. I have seen it at the PA farm show... they sheer the sheep then spin the wool and then weave a shawl all in 2.5 hours. It is amazing!

  37. I am also a happy follower! Congrats on the blogiversary!

  38. I follow you via google reader.

  39. paper piecing should be an olympic event!

  40. hmmmm, there are so many good crafts that would work, but I'd have to say quilting!

  41. Well done on making it 2 years, i hope (selfishly) there are many more. I want and need this book - pick me, pick me. I've no idea about an olympic sport, erm what about needle felting? just because it's quite aggressive and could be funny to watch!

  42. You know I follow you! thanks for the giveaway

  43. I would say crouched and knitting. Sitting together, working together and lots of blankets for people in need.

  44. I love to read your blog. So many ideas you share and adorable projects. Hope you enjoy and don't stop.

  45. great giveaway, thanks Hadley. I think speed knitting would be a great olympic sport

  46. And I have been a follower for a long time :-)

  47. I've always thought that knitting would be a good one. You could do speed trials in both English and Continental styles - deductions for split or skipped stitches, big penalties for dropped stitches, tension skills- in different stitch categories, and then you could fluff it up with some "artistic" knitting. I've suffered some knitting injuries so I it would add to the excitement if people were taken out of the running with yarn burn or knitter's elbow. Plus, I could totally picture Madame Defarge as a judge and lowballing the scores for anyone for anyone outside her circle of knitting revolutionaries. :-) Fun question!

  48. Congrats! And I must say I really enjoy following your blog!!!! Love what you make, gives me inspiration!

  49. I think walrus wrestling a la Susan should be an Olympic event, as should pulling fabric. Just imagine how much fun it would be to watch lots of competitors pull co-ordinating scraps out of a giant pile of scraps (there for the pole vaulters to land on). The audience would be full of people saying things like 'orange and purple? Is she sure?' and Lynne and Katy could be commentators for the BBC and reflect on the style of each quilter and point to sections of a giant colour wheel to bring us the theory behind the decisions. You and Sarah could be brought in as fabric identifying specialists and you'd sit track-side with a pair of binoculars and a headset so L&K could 'throw over' to you for moments of *ahem* clarity ;o) I think I've given this too much thought...

  50. I think the jelly roll race quilt should be an Olympic sport. Contestants should be given piles and piles of scraps. They would have to sort, cut, sew, baste and quilt. I'd love to see the finished projects. Quilts would be judged on color, design, speed, and overall fan picks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Congrats on two years of blogging! I feel that I have been following you forever. LOVE your stuff. It's very inspirational.

  52. Congratulations on two wonderful years of blogging! I am, of course, a devoted follower!



  54. Hello! love the purse!
    Thank you for sharing a sweet giveaway!
    Happy Stitching!


  55. For a sheer endurance sport, I think free-motion quilting on a small home machine would qualify, for those grace and synchronization categories, you could have the most perfect prairie points in 30 minutes. For something to include other crafts as well, how about a 20-minutes-before-closing-all-the-way-across-town craft store dash?

  56. Congrats on your 2-year anniversary! I've been following you for a bit of that. :-)

  57. hey hey!! happy bloggiversary to you missus x Am a dedicated follower :-) (ps, if my name got picked in the draw you could pick a second winner for the book cos I bought it too)

  58. I don't crochet but I want to see it as an Olympic sport. There are some INSANELY fast crocheters out there!!

  59. I think a jelly roll or iron man race like at FQ should be an olympic sport... (ps I've already got the book but would love the purse)

  60. And congratulations on your blogiversary!! Wow, 11 000 comments is impressive!! I've followed you for a while and I'm glad to have helped you out with those stats :)

  61. I am a follower.. Well done for having the perseverance to blog every day for 2 years!

  62. I think Bastin a quilt should be an olympic sport. After crawling around on my knees for the best part of an hour (or two) I feel like I've run a marathon!

  63. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging!!
    I think that quilting (wrestling) a king size quilt through a basic machine should be an Olympic sport!! Theres a good deal of muscle needed for that!!

  64. Well, I think that many crafts might make excellent olympic sports but most would have trouble holding the audience. The knitters recently got into some flack over it all, I will email you the link.

  65. And of course I follow your lovely blog and thank you for the give away, I have a chance because you are not entering this one.

  66. Definitely rotary cutting. It involves precision, strength, focus and accuracy. Totally medal-worthy.

    I would love your obscenity-laden purse and really love a copy of the book that I've never seen in person yet!! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on two years of creativity and sharing!

  67. I read your blog using the "next" button on my toolbar via google reader. Does that count as a follower? You can decide! :o)

  68. I think knitting would be the obvious choice- speed knitting 1/4m, 1/2m and 1m events...

    I'd like to win this book for my friend as I also have this book and love it!

  69. I think sewing (of any kind) should be an Olympic sport. And crochet. And knitting.

    I used to be indecisive but now I can't make up my mind! :oD

  70. I have followed your blog for a while

  71. Free motion quilting qualifies for the Olympics, don't you think? You deserve all the congrats in the world. Thanks for sharing so much with all of us through this great blog!

  72. Happy anniversary and hoping many more to come! Not sure about Olympic sport...that's too big a hoop for me to jump through... uh.. quilting?

  73. as you know I am already a follower. Great book!

  74. Maybe blogging could be an Olympic event....the fastest to post with the required number of words and photos!??

  75. I think quilt basting should be an Olympic sport. It certainly seems to take every ounce of my energy!

  76. Congratulations on two brilliant, and for me very inspiring, years of blogging. Brit Bee and Mouthy Stitches would not be right without you. Of course I follow you! Afraid not to!!

  77. Congrats H on two years blogging. I like to check in and see what you are up to! The Olympic sport should be the Iron (wo)man contest! Di x

  78. I am a loyal follower. Di x

  79. Happy blogoversary! I think there could be multiple quilting events - piece cutting, chain piecing, hand binding, and more.

  80. Happy Blogiversary - your two year giveaway is so much better than mine so of course I have to enter ;-) Olympic sport. Knitting jumped to mind first. But then quilting king sized quilts would definitely fit into the Olympic past time if I ever attempted it!

  81. I'm a follower of long standing too. Although to be fair I mainly sit down to read the blog ;-)

  82. OK, now I have That Red Hot Chilli Pepper song stuck in my head! I think that quilting a bedsize quilt on a domestic machine should be considered an Olympic sport.

  83. I'm with Tricia, right above me - quilting anything bigger than a baby quilt on a regular machine is definitely a wrestling event!

  84. I follow your blog - congratulations on two fun-filled years! :) Thanks for the chances to win.

  85. Congrats on the blogiversary! That purse is a real delight, I'm contemplating making a big quilt with that fabric. I think crochet should be an olympic sport, it's not terribly easy to master but once you crack it it's worthy of a medal! x

  86. Congratulations! I think threading a needle in poor light and advancing years should be an olympic sport. For some it already is, I can tell you!

  87. and I love the stash you're giving us the chance to win, that purse is uber cute ... that's why I'm a happy follower :) You make good stuff mrs.

  88. What a very generous giveaway - something cheerful amongst the never ending rain. I would have said that knitting should have been an olympic sport, but given the awful saga of the US Olympic assocaiation and Ravelrey, perhaps best to draw a veil over that one.....
    Making a quilt could be the new triathlon - 1) Piecing 2) Quilting 3) Binding (a sprint to the finish!
    Congratulations on 2 years of blogging and the daily posting - that is quite an achievement.

  89. Wow congratulations!!

    I saw it featured on the FQ retreat as a challenge. The sewing a quilt top from a jelly roll the fastest. That would be a great Olympic sport! =D

  90. I am also a follower of your blog and old one that is =D

  91. I love the frame purse. I want to learn how to make them...
    As for sport as we had knitting at Wimbledon, maybe it shook be wool based. Maybe a granny square race?

  92. Thanks for a super fun giveaway!

    After hitting up the fabric shop today, I'd say "schlepping home yards and yards of fabric" should be an Olympic sport! (An actual Gold Medal would have weighed less, and probably would have been cheaper!)

  93. I've been reading your blog for months, but now I'm publicly following. Thanks for being so inspirational!

  94. We are having a pentathlon at WI this week with some cake and craft inspired events, including embroidery hoop hoopla and a knitting sprint!

  95. Oh for sure Macramé should be an Olympic event. With wooden beads thrown in. Congrats on two years! Don't think I'll even make six months! I've no idea how to become a follower, I'm such a gumbie ;)x

  96. Hugs to you too. I've enjoyed your blog, Good luck and thanks for the giveaway, I think rotary cutting should be an Olympic sport, Lots of danger and excitement!!!!!

  97. I think shuttle weaving should be an Olympic Sport. They could do speed contests to see who can weave the most in 5 min. :) Congrats on your Blogiversary! It really is a great accomplishment to blog everyday too!

  98. Congrats on 2 years! The perfect 1/4 seam should be an event- simple, but hard to perfect.

  99. I'm one of your followers- love all your beautiful projects!

  100. congrats! I think sheep shearing. Does that count?

  101. I reckon wrestling tubes the right way out should make it into the games.

    You wouldn't be without any of us though? Damn, must try harder... ;o)

  102. You know you're stuck with me though, right? ;o)

  103. Thanks for the heads up! Now I'm a groupie! ;)x

  104. I dont crochet or knit, but I would love to watch a speed crochet or speed knitting event.

  105. Aaand Im a follower. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  106. congrats on your blogging hadley~! i think you are so great! xoxo

  107. I'm a follower! Congratulations on 2 years!

  108. ooh, and I think they should have jelly roll races in the Olympics - we set the tone at retreat, it should become an international sport!

  109. i think crochet should be added

  110. I can't knit but my great aunt does, and the speed at which she goes it should be an Olympic event....

  111. Congrats on keeping up on your blog! I have yet to start one. I super love this giveaway and I would love the cutie purse. Thanks!!!

  112. I am already a follower because I super dooper love your made in cherry quilt. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  113. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

    I think knitting should be an olympic discipline - a race between the English and Continental style knitters could be fun:-)

  114. I am already a (happy) follower!

  115. I think Free Motion Quilting should be an Olympic sport - you have to have speed stamina and grace. Combo of strength and technique! Fun question!!

  116. I am a happy follower of your blog!

  117. You've taken 2 years of my life and offer a giveaway? Fair swap!!

    Hmm, I reckon card making should be an olympic sport - we've certainly had a marathon session here with end of term 'thank yous'

  118. Congrats on your blogiversary, you talented chatterbox! You must be doing something right if I'm still following ;)

  119. Congrats hon and thanks 4 the inspiration :)

  120. Congratulations! I would like to see speed quilting as an olympic sport!

  121. Holy cats, that little frame purse is just about the cutest thing ever!

    I totally think knitting should be an olympic sport, and I would absolutely tune in for it (and knit along, of course).

  122. Am a new follower now! (found you through flickr)

  123. I think needle felting or wet felting should be an Olympic sport. It can be a painful work out making felt balls under cold soapy water and jabbing away at dry felt with those needles. They are quite painful if you accidentally jab yourself.

  124. I think a team sport involving pinning and basting a king size quilt would be funny. With points deducted for wrinkles, excess pins and uneven stitching.
    Then they could do it with pairs on a cot quilt. Bonus points for imaginative basting.

  125. I am a follower. I love your blog and I am looking forward to lots more posts. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  126. I have been watching Craft Wars which would make an excellent Olympic Sport. Random challenges and a full crafting closet? Awesome!

  127. I am also an established follower. :)

  128. I'm a follower in my reader. Thanks for the giveaway.

  129. Congrats on such a great milestone! I would love to see FMQ or binding as an olympic sport.

  130. And I am a new follower too.

  131. Machine quilting a bed size quilt on a domestic machine. You gotta be in shape for that! Thanks for the giveaway!

  132. I've had you in my Google Reader list for a long time - but now I'm an official follower.

  133. winding bobbin reels has to be one of the most boring crafting jobs so having a race to do this might make it a bit less tedious- yes???
    Ummm no...

  134. After giving it some thought, I think I'd like to see fabric bolt hefting as an olympic sport. Thanks for the giveaway.

    ps- I am really looking forward to the "real" olympics starting soon, aren't you?

  135. I think spray basting big quilts should be an Olympic sport. :)

  136. woo hoo go you!

  137. Naturally I am a rocket cycle groupie :)

  138. I really think that free motion quilting any quilt double bed size or bigger on any domestic sewing machine should be an Olympic sport.

  139. And of course I am a follower.

  140. Speed EPP! Its the olympic sport of the future.

  141. And of course I am a follower.

  142. Congratulations on your milestone Hadley! Hmm, my first thoughts were of rows of grannies knitting, but the thought of speed EPP, now that made me laugh out loud!

  143. Congratulations on 2 years! I have no idea what to suggest for a craft that could be an olympic sport.

  144. Congratulations!I think hexie sewing would be a great addition to olympic sports...

  145. And I am a happy follower of your blog! Thanks so much!

  146. And Im a follower of you, almost anywhere!

  147. Following (or stalking?) for a fair chunk of those two years (really, only 2???????)

  148. Congratulations!I think it should be cross-stitching)

  149. Thanks for the competition. I think the next Olympic sport could be for the best quilted equestrian saddle blanket.

  150. happy follower, thanks for the giveaway!

  151. Congrats on reaching this milestone! Thank you for sharing the celebration with us. As for Olympic sports...I definitely think quilting should take its place among the historical Olympic sports. There could be various categories such as: rotary cutting relays, paper piecing matches, synchronized bee blocks and free motions free style.

  152. Wow you have been a busy girl! I think pottery should be an Olympic sport and I am sure my husband would win....he is out in his garage on that wheel day in and day out and the amount of clay found around the house on door knobs, light switches, toilet handles and door bells could be put together and use for his final piece!

  153. I am already following and truly glad to be doing so! xx

  154. I follow your blog by email and I look forward to each post. Keep them coming! Thanks!

  155. Happy 2nd anniversary! I think that machine quilting should be an Olympic sport- my arms ached so much when I was doing my quilt - it's very physical!

  156. Wonderful giveaway, well done on 2yrs and all those posts. I reckon I could win gold for Unpicking!!

  157. And of course, I am a faithful follower.

  158. I think quilting should be an Olympic sport, or any sort of sewing related crafting - it should probably be a whole new area of competition! Congratulations on the 2 years, your creations are fantastic & your blog is always entertaining. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  159. And I am a happy & devoted follower of your lovely blog - thanks!

  160. I think jelly roll races with hurdles thrown in (like someone cuts your strip or worse still..nicks one) and maybe a water jump (someone charges you with a glass of water).

  161. Happy second blogversary! What an achievement :-) I think knitting should be because it is so darned hard!

  162. I am a follower, you know that ;-)

  163. Congratulations on the milestone!! I think there could be a Quilt Pentathlon.
    1. Stash Culling - extra degree of difficulty if you can rid yourself of any Kaffe or Flea Market Fancy crumbs.
    2. Stash Storage - extra degree of difficulty points if it does not take over the rest of the house. No, you can't use the dog house as extra space.
    3. Time Warp - you must manage to score 20 minutes sewing time from a 24 hour period, while completing a full range of other tasks including an unplanned trip to the vets/doctors/mechanics.
    4. Treasure Hunt - having run out of fabric/yarn/thread etc & needing only a small amount to finish, contestants must search the world for any remaining stock.
    5. The Fugly Challenge - contestants must hide the ugly (is that polyester??) fabric they were given with the challenge in a project. All fabric must be used but it can be turned backwards or be embellished by paint or thread.
    6. Mathematical Challenge - contestants must fit together a collection of blocks made by a group of quilters into a top. Extra degree of difficulty is in the random sizing of the "identical" blocks & the interesting definition of "modern" fabrics.
    7. Colour Wheel - contestants must grade fabrics and yes it must include that colour that makes you want to poke your eyes with a quick unpick.
    8. Jelly Roll Race - time trial involving one jelly roll, a machine & you.
    9. Speed Quilting - Quilt must be completed ready for an imminent due date, this could be a birthday, anniversary or actual birth.
    10. Binding & Labeling - Last minute dash to the finish line. Degree of difficulty if you can include a scrap of special fabric or an embroidered doily made by a long lost relative. Does not count if said relative is later found to be behind the couch.
    So there you go, obviously I have way too much time on my hands which is due to my sewing machine being out of action & it may also be showing that my partner is working with the actual Olympics??
    I really need to get into a bit of EPP huh? LOL
    London, UK

  164. Foundation paper piecing. It is HARD. Well done on your consistent and marvellous blogging!

  165. Round robin quilting - a new team sport at the Olympics. Thanks for the giveaway. Congratulations on a great 2 years of blogging.

  166. I'm a follower - receiving posts by email. Thanks for the chance to win.

  167. Congratulations on all those mind blowing numbers!
    Hand making bias binding would be a great Olympic sport.

  168. I think completion of Y seams would be an excellent Olympic sport. Penalty points for swearing. Thanks for the chance to win.

  169. I am already a follower. Congratulations on reaching this blogging milestone. Thanks for the chance to win.

  170. I follow and look forward to the feed coming to my email

  171. Got that Red Hot Chilli Pepper song in my head now. Congratulations on blogging for 2 years, I've been a bad blogger recently

  172. Congratulations!
    I think quilt binding should be an Olympic sport - I'm not sure about the appeal to an audience though!!

  173. Congratulations! You should be very proud! Hmmmm anything to do with sewing/quilting would make me tune in. And how surprised would the audience be to see that the contestants were mostly young (20-something)moms, not grannies!

  174. And yes I follow and really enjoy your blog!
